Atonement by Ian McEwan

Acclaimed short-story writer achieves a contemporary classic of mesmerising narrative conviction. ...more info on wikipedia

About the artist: Laura Schillemansfrom Belgium

Laura has been photographing for quite some years now, but only recently decided to show her photographs to the world. Apart from her small addiction to apple juice, the sound of crunchy paper and lowercase, she believes that life is a playground. Like most photographers do, she likes to travel to faraway places and lovely spots nearby.
And yes, you’ve probably guessed it already: most of her pictures are taken on these travels. But even when you let her take pictures of a place you’ve already been: you won’t recognize it. She tries to notice the little things: different angles, more details or a different framing: showing a whole new world within the one you already know, showing that life is a playground.

Why this work

“Atonement ... once you’ve said the word out loud it keeps on resonating in your head. Such a beautiful word, such a beautiful story: how it’s built up and keeps you fascinated until the end only to show you nothing is what it seems.” “I wanted to captivate that feeling in the words I’ve chosen ... the difference between possibility, desire and reality. The photo I took resembles the path between “where you are” and “where you want to be”. It’s a bit of a grim picture, which expresses the feeling of a love story gone awry.”