Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison

The definitive novelist of the African-American experience. ...more info on wikipedia

Why this work

To be fair, the book wasn’t my first choice. Alice in Wonderland was, but I had read Jazz by the same author years ago and remembered I liked it. I was happily surprised by Song of Solomon. The well-written interesting story, full of magic realism and oddities kept me hooked. I chose to depict some scenes from the first chapter to put on the poster. They just struck me. An insurance agent who thinks he can fly, jumps to his death from a hospital roof in a Michigan town. At the same time the protagonist is born. Falling and flying are recurrent themes in the book so it was an obvious choice. I used one of my preferred ways of working: clean line inking and bright colours in photoshop added later on.

About the artist: Dimitri Sakelaropolusfrom Belgium

Jangojim is a 27-year old self-taught illustrator, cartoonist from Antwerp, Belgium. He makes happy colourful things with a love for silly humor. He likes cookies, coffee, machines, cult movies, old toys and other retro stuff. He already made comic strips for Vice Magazine, murals for Converse, Belgian city maps, CD covers for Antwerp rock band Codasync, festival posters and other numerous illustrations/animations. He draws on anything you put into his hands and is most happy when his work makes you smile.