Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger

A week in the life of Holden Caulfield. A cult novel that still mesmerises. ...more info on wikipedia

About the artist: Jonathan Meadfrom New Zealand

Jonathan Mead is a multi-disciplinary designer providing design, art direction and animation for interactive, print and motion projects. He lives in (sometimes) sunny Auckland, New Zealand with his beautiful wife and 3 little boys.”

Why this work

“I read this book many years ago and it has always stuck with me as the ultimate depiction of being a misunderstood, confused, contradictory, cynical teenager. Something we can all relate to. Throughout the story, Holden feels totally lost and alienated from his surroundings - like he is “sort of disappearing” so I wanted to create a sense of invisibility and transparency in my illustration. His red hunting hat is a recurring image throughout the book and to me, stands as a symbol of his identity - a bit odd and out of place in a world of private schools and fancy New York apartments. It makes him stand out amongst all of this, but also gives him something to hide behind.”