In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust

An unforgettable portrait of Paris in the belle epoque. Probably the longest novel on this list. ...more info on wikipedia

About the artist: Tom Haentjensfrom Belgium

Tom Haentjens was born in a town called Zele and moved to Antwerp, where he has been living and working for the past 15 years. He is an autodidact when it comes down to designing. Trying to combine crafts and new technologies whenever he can. As a little boy he was always building little Lego sceneries and recreating war scenes with toy soldiers. The love for building miniature sets has remained, but he now prefers the seemingly endless possibilities of paper to sculpt surreal miniature worlds.

Why this work

Since the title of this book was at the basis of the entire project, it seemed like the natural choice. But due to the work involved in getting the doedemee project on track, I didn’t get round to reading the entire book. That’s why I decided to picture one of the key scenes, where the narrator gets blown back in time to Illiers-Combray, the place where he grew up, after eating a madeleine dipped in tea. The Fisher Price clock is a reference to my childhood years.