The Way We Live Now by Anthony Trollope

A majestic assault on the corruption of late Victorian England. ...more info on wikipedia

About the artist: Peter D'hollanderfrom Belgium

I ended high school with a gloomy outcome: To work in a factory as mechanical engineer or as programmer for the DMF-250 (simply said: an industrial robot)
Once the study era ended, i began to work as a ‘ Graphic Servant For The Corporate Image Industry’ ( with a bad-taste client database) I managed to keep this up for 3 years and came to the realization i was losing touch.
Ultimately, after 8 years as a ‘graphic designer’ i created my own freelance studio called: -HUXLEY- I play, experiment, work hard, drink & smoke too much (coffee & cigarettes that is), & have to fight for a living. But i love it!

Why this work

To be honest: I did not know anything about this book or author. The first thing I discovered about the book: It contains over more than 100 chapters en consist out of 1024 pages! Too much info for such a short time, so I read the short version of Anthony trollope’s ‘the way we live now’. The story is in particularly rich in sub-plot & inspired by financial scandals of that time (1870s) and lashes out at the pervading dishonesty of the age, commercial, political, moral & intellectual. Each theme is symbolically represented around the abstraction of the main character. The absence of colour reinforces the demoralizing atmosphere. Nothing more, nothing less.